Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Three's company

So I'm finally writing a blog.  I've read those of friends and family for years and always thought "I'd love to have a blog, but I don't have anything interesting to write about."  My days mainly are made up of changing dirty diapers and watching Toy Story 3...not sure who would want to read about that.  I recently realized though, that I enjoy reading people's mundane daily activities such as their trip to the store or the pumpkins they carved with their family.  Hopefully my blog will be somewhat entertaining to someone.  I do stay busy with my three kids Annie (3), Jack (1), and Mary (6 weeks).  And yes, we are Catholic...that question is almost always the response once people find out the short span in between my kids ages.  I'm still on maternity leave from my teaching job and I'm not looking forward to being away from my babies once that ends.  Our days here are super busy and not always the most exciting, but I can't think of a better way to spend my day.  Whether I'm running Annie to ballet, keeping Jack from falling off of something he's decided to climb, or cuddling with Mary on the couch, I'm loving being a mom.
Annie the ballerina

snuggling Mary by the tree

Jack trying to "help" with Mary


Baby Mary

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